Sabian symbol man drowning is rescued

Sabian symbols are so amazing. They go by astrology. So 11 Scorpio. Tomorrow is,An official embassy ball. What I think about is the topic of the day, climate change. I’m sorry I think that is just another way for the elite to play the agenda. Where are you drowning? In cards water is emotions. Where are emotions dragging you under? When to much fear is placed upon us our power is slowing drained. In readings and dreams when there is water issues such as toilet overflow, dripping water, floods, toilet makes noises, washer leaks,faucets leak there is a clear sign something is changing. To me if it continues your place is telling you to move. Have you ever almost drowned? I have. I remember. Bear lake and a guy in a fisherman’s boat rescued me as a child. I’m going to try to be more committed to my website. Getting my workshops on here.Where do you have to be rescued?